Friday, April 30, 2010

It's been a good 3 years. . .

but officially today. The warranty and "insurance" on the CI is gone.


Ugh! So tell me parents, especially ones with Cochlear, what have you done. Did you pay for the insurance through Cochlear? Did you purchase other insurance else where? Have you just winged it? Home owner's insurance?

Des and I are at a stand-still. We really just do not know what is going to be the best option, so please comment away, I desperately need it.


misha~sha-sha said...

We kept Hadley's insured until she got a little older. Then, luckily, the one benefit of replacement surgeries (that I HOPE you never have to go through) is that we got a few extra processors in the deal. Now we have four processors and I don't worry about insurance. They almost feel disposable... But I'd insure it if I were you for at least 2 more years. Until she's really old enough to know how to take care of it and be super responsible.

Chance's Mom said...

We keep insurance on Chance's. Once you let the insurance lapse, we've heard you have to buy something else to cover it. If you have to replace just the controller it is $1500.00. We have found that it is so worth it to have the insurance to replace parts. Just last month the plastic came off where the coil plugs in and would not plug in. With insurance we have been able to just send in our parts and have them replaced when needed due to the normal wear and tear. Chance is very careful with his implants and we feel the implants are well made. The parts just wear out over time. It is hard to pony up the money, but we would not go with out the insurance even now that Chance is getting older.