Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mapping & Sno-Cones

Recently Savanah and I ventured to Logan for her cochlear implant mapping. Mapping appointments consist of working with our favorite audiologist Cache but they involved audiograms - sound programming - and electrode tuning. This last appointment. Was just Savanah and I. A little mommy-daughter date. The drive to Logan (which is about 2 1/2 hours away from our home) was eventful. I was able to talk to Savanah the entire drive up there. I learned a lot about her. Have you ever really just talked to your kids? AND really LISTENED?!? This drive I listened to her tell me all about her friendship with Elly. How she really does enjoy being a big sister. How swimming is one of her favorite things to do and that she really doesn't like seafood or meat. I also learned that Savanah understands her deafness and "thinks it's pretty neat at night to not hear anything!" I also learned something I never had heard before - A sno-cone is her favorite treat and that summer was her best season. I agreed with her and told her I feel the same way. Later on that evening, after her mapping appointment, we each enjoyed a good sno-cone. She had lime and I had tigers blood. And it was a perfect day. The coolest thing about this day though - was the fact that while I was driving, holding both of my hands on the steering wheel, I was able to verbally communicate with my deaf daughter. And through the power of technology and medical expertise and a LOT OF WORK on both of our parts - she was able to listen to me. I didn't have to rely on sign language at traffic lights. She did not have to read my lips. We talked. And it was wonderful.

Friday, July 6, 2012


So Savanah has a new best friend. This new BFF lives a few doors down. In our new hood. She is also 8. She is a little tom-boyish too so you can imagine how much Savanah is just eating that up. She loves it. They love each other. They sleepover. Play all day. Take tennis together. They are with each other ALL THE TIME. so y
And you know what I absolutely love about this new friend of ours. Not only is she super accepting of Savanah. But she has also been a HUGE model of difference in Savanah's life as well. In Utah it is pretty rare to see people who are of different races. Predominatly white people live in Utah. So to Savanah having a friend who was not white was huge. But I have to tell you. NEVER once has Savanah mentioned to me the difference of her skin color. Never once has she said anything to me. We're all different. Light. Dark. Hearing. Deaf. Blind. Handicapped. Blonde. Brown eyes. The list goes on. . . And that is the beauty of the human race.


If you have a copy of 'The Endeavor' Check me out. A whole article dedicated to Savanah and the fight to Stop CMV!