Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy Hearing Day!

Three years ago, our family was blessed. Savanah was especially blessed with the most wonderous technology.

On this very day, 3 years ago, we made the drive to Primary Childrens. We unloaded and walked into the building. Our stomachs turning. Praying we had made the right decision. Watching our everything get ready for major surgery. My heart ached for her. It ached for Desmond and myself. Nerves were high. The surgeon came in, explained the procedure. We gave hugs and kisses to Savanah. Tried to reassure her everything was going to be okay. 45 minutes flew by, that waiting room grew smaller by the second. Desmond and I were shocked when Dr. Shelton walked through the doors. "I am done. Everything went perfectly." Music to my ears. I followed the recovery nurse back, only one parent, of course mom. I came around the corner and peered at my Savanah, drowsy, medicated, sore. I held her in my arms. Relieved. Nerves were gone. Everything went well.

Days following were miraculous. She recovered quickly. Some of my fondest memories are from those days. She was activated one month later and her LIFE began!

What an amazing world we live in. My deaf daughter can hear. And can HEAR WELL. We celebrate this day for Savanah, for our family, because it was definitely a day that changed our entire lives.

1 comment:

misha~sha-sha said...

I love this! Happy Hearing Day, Savannah.