Saturday, August 28, 2010

We had a chat. . .

just me and Savanah. Gracen was asleep. Daddy was in the mountains with his 4-wheeler, so it was the perfect time to have this little chat and it went something like this. . .

Me: So how was school?
Savanah: Good. I have two classes. Mrs. Boles class and Mrs. Buskers class. I live in that class with Ellie. We all have implants. Mrs. Busker has a time out class, Hunter was there today, he was not listening.
Me: Oh really? Were you listening?
Savanah: Yup. I did not have to go to time out. I listened and got a sticker.
Me: Well good Savanah, I'm so glad you are minding your teachers. Are you hearing okay in class?
Savanah: Yup. Remember mom I have an implant. :)
Me: I know sis. I just want to make sure that when someone is talking to you or in front of the class, like the teacher, that you are hearing and understanding everything that is going on.
Savanah: I got switched. My seats just like switched. I sit in front of Jacob not in the back anymore. Switched, just like that. (big goofy smile and hand movements)
Me: Oh good, so you got moved closer in Mrs. Boles class. Glad to hear it. Are you liking school lunch and the lunch room?
Savanah: Yup. All the peoples talk in the lunchroom. Talk about cool stuff and funny things. You can talk all the time in the lunchroom. Talk to everyone about cool stuff.
Me: Good, I'm glad you are having such a good time. I love first grade.
Savanah: I love it too. I'm not in KINDIEGARTENER anymore. I'm big. I'm like in first. I live in first.
Me: Well you live here sis but you go to school and are in the first grade.
Savanah: I know mom, I know. :)

Well first week of school, down.

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