Monday, August 16, 2010


I remember being a first grader.

Edgemont Elementary, Mrs. Hale's class.

I have vivid memories of that year. Especially when I got in trouble and was sent back to Kindergarten for a few hours. I remember the 'reading treehouse', the desks and how they opened and could smash your fingers if you were not careful. I remember the library trips and recess. I remember the hall and where I use to place my backpack. I remember the smells and eating lunch in the big cafeteria.

Well my little Savanah is starting first grade next week. Wednesday the 25th. Yikes! What a scary thought to have a first grader, I don't feel old enough, I don't feel ready for her to keep growing up. But it is happening, right before my eyes.

I hope she cherishes first grade. I hope she has only positive, fantastic memories like I did. I hope she makes life-long friends, some of which I still have as far back as first grade. I hope she loves her teacher. I hope she listens. Intently and understands. I hope she loves to read, just like her and her dad did when we were 6 and 7. I hope she enjoys school lunch, because unfortunately the days of packed lunch for her and bye-bye this year. I hope she runs and laughs during recess. I hope she shares and follows directions and loves school to the fullest extent.

Savanah will hopefully only be in this particular school for this year, hopefully we'll be in a new house, with a new school by second grade, an elementary school that the kids will stay in.

1 comment:

misha~sha-sha said...

It's so exciting (and scary) to send them to first grade. It's real now, you know? I know she will be great. That girl's a fighter!