Saturday, November 14, 2009


So Savanah has homework. She has a workbook full of things to learn such as counting, letters and the sounds they make, sight words, memorizing her address and phone number, birthdate, etc.

She also has a math workbook that comes home once a month, you are suppose to complete fifteen activites with your child and for the month of November, the math homework is on patterns.

Now, she is gone all day at school, I rarely see her anymore, or so it feels. The other night as I sat down to start this pattern math homework with her, I expected her to not know what a pattern was. I expected her to listen to my explanation. But instead, I was listening to hers.

She explained to me she knew what a pattern was, it's like "A, B, A, B, A. . ." or "red, yellow, red, yellow. . ."

WOW! I was blown away, I don't know why I was so surprised by her knowledge of this, but I was and I shouldn't have been, because Savanah is so smart. She has always been smart. I mean she was 100% potty-trained before the age of 2, she learned to scale out of her crib at 18 months old, she just figures things out quickly.

Her speech and language is expanding so much, I am so excited everyday. She is becoming the perfect model of what a implanted child should be doing! Woohoo Savanah!

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