Sunday, October 19, 2008

"Oh mitch!" (Which translated means Oh Man!
My hurt arm.
My name is Shamanah Pintince.
I am four years old.
I want bird soup. (Which translated means fruit loops.)-Toucan Sam!
Chicken. Cheese and Crackers. (A lunchable.)
I want pink milk mom.
Dad, you're silly.
I love Margo.
I love Tyson.
I love tree school.
Pink car Grandpa.
I want colors. (Crayons)
My purple room.
The scaries. (Ghosts etc.)
Trip-or-treat (No translation needed.)
My witch.
I love black puppies.
I love my mommy.
Call daddy.
No work tomorrow daddy.
I love Kaela and Maddie.
Fix it Dad.
Gracie smiling.
Daddy shoot deers.
My shooter. (Her play gun.)

There are so many other darling things she is starting to say. . . I am trying to remember some of the things I find so adorable that she says and how far she has come! Way to go our Savanah!

1 comment:

misha~sha-sha said...

Yay! Way to go, Girl. I'm glad I found my way to this fun to read about how S is doing.