Tuesday, June 17, 2008


One of my biggest fears of the cochlear implant surgery was the fact that some of her hair had to be shaved. Savanah had the most gorgeous, long blonde hair for a three year old. I took pride in her hair, made sure it always looked good. We would spend about 20 minutes doing her hair each morning. So when I walked back to my little girl in the recovery room and found a huge clump of her shaven hair next to her and a gauze wrap around her head, I almost fell to tears. Not because I was upset, but I was so overcome with emotion. I knew we had made the right decision for her, I knew that in one month, when she was activated she would be able to hear things she had never heard before. Her hair didn't bother me, the bald spot didn't bother me. She was still my beautiful baby girl who had overcome a tremendous surgery and did wonderfully. We ended up cutting her long locks in September of that year to help the part that was shaven grow and catch up with the rest. She now has the most adorable bob you've ever seen.

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