Friday, April 22, 2011


Savanah is the SWEETEST child you will ever meet.
She will befriend everyone.
She just wants to play.
Run. Jump.

Recently on our trip to Moab,
Savanah found several friends around our campsite.
She just walks right up and starts playing.
"Hi Friends!" She exclaims.

It doesn't matter to Savanah how someone dresses.
What color they are. How they talk.
SERIOUSLY. . . she is a friend to all.

On this camping trip. . .
a few of these "friends" were not being very nice.
Running from her, hiding from her
And than the kicker, throwing sand in her face.

I was devastated for her. She walked up to me.
Sand in every crevice.
Tears welling in her eyes.
She broke down.
BECAUSE of the sand. Not because she knew they were being mean to her.

Desmond and I sat down with her.
Cuddled her.
Explained to her how sweet Savanah is and what a wonderful friend she is.
And people who are good friends with her, they are the lucky ones to know and love Savanah. We explained kids are mean, for reasons we will never understand. But we told her to continue to stand up for herself, befriend people, love people no matter what and just be the Savanah she always is. She told us she would not play with those mean kids anymore. And she didn't that night. But than the next morning came, and Savanah quickly forgave and went on her way playing.

If we could all be a little nice, a little more understanding, a little more aware of people's feelings and be more of a friend to others, wouldn't this world be such a better place? We could all learn a little from Savanah.


Nicole said...

That is so sad. Savanah is such a loving girl and never hesitates to befriend someone. I am sorry to hear that there are such mean kids in this world.

Anonymous said...

The true use of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal them.

Chance's Mom said...

What a sweetheart she is. We all really could take a lesson from her.